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Polytrauma/TBI System of Care
Welcome to the Richmond Polytrauma Rehabilitation Center
Polytrauma/TBI System of Care
Welcome to the Richmond Polytrauma Rehabilitation Center
The Richmond Polytrauma Rehabilitation Center (PRC) within Central Virginia VA Health Care System is one of 5 facilities in the country designed to provide intensive rehabilitative care to Veterans and Active Duty Servicemembers who experienced severe injuries to more than one organ system.Polytrauma is defined as two or more injuries sustained in the same incident that affect multiple body parts or organ systems and result in physical, cognitive, psychological, or psychosocial impairments and functional disabilities. Traumatic brain injury (TBI) frequently occurs as part of the polytrauma spectrum in combination with other disabling conditions, such as amputations, burns, pain, fractures, auditory and visual impairments, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other mental health conditions. When present, injury to the brain is often the impairment that dictates the course of rehabilitation due to the nature of the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral deficits related to TBI. For more information about Polytrauma, visit the national Polytrauma System of Care page.
The Polytrauma System of Care in the Richmond includes:
- Polytrauma Rehabilitation Center (PRC) an 18-bed inpatient rehabilitation unit.
- Polytrauma Transitional Rehabilitation Program (PTRP) a 10-bed residential unit.
- Service Member Transitional Advanced Rehabilitation (STAR) a 10-bed residential unit that focuses on an intensive evaluation and treatment plan (IETP)
- Polytrauma Network Site (PNS) an interdisciplinary outpatient program
Richmond is one of seven regional centers of excellence in the nationwide amputation system of care. For information on Veterans with amputations:
The Central Virginia VA Health Care System is a member of the Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN) 6 Health Care Network.
Mental Health/Veterans Crisis Line

Many Veterans with Polytrauma injuries also need mental health support. If you or someone you know is having trouble readjusting to civilian life, is having trouble sleeping, or is experiencing mood swings, depression, or other signs of extreme stress, we can offer free or low-cost assistance and care.
Veterans Crisis Line.
For immediate help, call the National Veterans Crisis Line at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Your call is confidential and can also be anonymous. Or, you may have a confidential online conversation with a professional on the National Veterans Crisis Line Web Chat site
Readjustment Counseling System (Vet Centers)
National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
VA Mental Health Program

Central Virginia VA Health Care System (CVHCS)
1207 Broad Rock Blvd
Richmond, VA 23249
(804) 675-5000
For information about the Richmond Polytrauma System of Care programs, contact:
PRC Clinical Admissions Coordinator
Kim Christopher, BSN, RN
(804) 675-5000 Ext. 6548
PTRP/STAR/IETP Clinical Admissions Coordinator
Eleanor Woodson, BSN, RN
804-675-5000 extension 3478
PNS Case Manager
Charlmain Johnson, MSN. RN
804-675-5000, Ext. 3782
ASP Amputee Specialty Program Program Lead
Jennifer Floyd, MSPT
Regional Amputation Rehabilitation Coordinator
804-675-5000 extension 3292